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About Brock

Brock joined McVay Real Estate in 2014 after 10 years in the finance industry. Prior to joining MRE, Brock worked with KordaMentha Real Estate in Sydney where he managed the development and divestment of numerous properties throughout Australia. Prior to his time at KordaMentha Real Estate, Brock worked at Investec Bank in their Property Investment Banking team, which focused on the provision of property specific mezzanine and preferred equity loans.

During his tens years in the finance / property industry Brock has forged strong relationships with local and national institutions and investors.

Brock provides full advisory support to the MRE sales team including conducting financial and risk analysis, advising on capital pricing and appraising feasibility options.

Brock graduated from the University of Technology with a Bachelor of Accounting and completed his Chartered Accountants course in 2011.

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