CBRE Hotels is delighted to offer the Townsville Central Hotel building in South Townsville, for sale by way of Auction, to be held from 11am, Tuesday 28th June 2016, at Doltone House Hyde Park, 181 Elizabeth Street, Sydney.
The four (4) level hotel complex contains 118 accommodation rooms and was built in 2006. The location in Palmer Street is considered ideal for maximum patronage given accessibility to local amenities including the various high quality local restaurants. The hotel includes a ground floor restaurant and bar and has meeting facilities on the ground floor.
The hotel performance is underpinned by the vibrant City of Townsville with a current population of around 200,000 and expected to reach 300,000 by 2031. Townsville is host to the NRL premiers the Cowboys, the V8 supercars and has a diverse and rich cultural focus.